Right Price
As a buyer for insulation materials, you should consider using the Price Quality Matrix when making material purchase decisions. This addresses product value by correlating pricing with quality.
Most buyers, for example, will look at the highest priced product and immediately conclude that since it costs more than the others, it must be the best. That’s definitely not always the case. They need to look deeper.
Right pricing weighs the price against the quality so buyers can truly see if they are getting a good value for their hard-earned money. A high quality, premium price will draw a small number of consumers who want the best product despite all costs. However, be aware that there is no such thing as high quality with a very low price. Logic dictates that you cannot produce a high-quality product using top grade raw materials with the correct sizing specification and sell it dirt cheap. It just doesn’t go that way even with the economies of scale at work in this industry.
For most buyers, the right price comes in the form of a high-quality product at a medium price point. In this sweet spot, the moderate cost provides buyers with assurance that they are maximizing their return on investment in terms of product quality, which encompasses material durability and performance, while paying a fair price.
Buyers should beware of other pricing categories that will provide less quality for nearly the same or even higher price point. Rip Off is one seen often, as sellers pass off a low-quality substandard product for a higher price in order to create an illusion of quality. Economy is another pricing option, providing a low price for low quality. At least with this one you know what you are getting and you get what you pay for. Average is just that: Medium price for medium quality.
Bottom line: Don’t just look at the price by itself to determine product quality. The right price is a delicate balance between quality and overall value.
Kassel sells better quality insulation materials at the right price. We are looking forward to serve your thermal, moisture, acoustic, and fire insulation needs and requirements.